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Forest Pathology Fora

Disease CategoriesLast post
Abiotic Diseases0 Topics · 0 PostsNo topics yet!
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Cankers0 Topics · 0 PostsNo topics yet!
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Foliage Diseases0 Topics · 0 PostsNo topics yet!
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Stem Decays0 Topics · 0 PostsNo topics yet!
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Rusts0 Topics · 0 PostsNo topics yet!
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Parasitic PlantsDwarf and true mistletoes, root-parasitic plants, and many more belong here0 Topics · 0 PostsNo topics yet!Subforums: Dwarf Mistletoes · True Mistletoes · Other Parasitic Plants
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Bacterial/Viral Diseases0 Topics · 0 PostsNo topics yet!
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Wilts0 Topics · 0 PostsNo topics yet!
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UnknownTree damage of unknown or uncertain etiology0 Topics · 0 PostsNo topics yet!
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Hazard Trees / Tree RiskThe risk that trees pose to people, property, structures0 Topics · 0 PostsNo topics yet!
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Other ForaLast post
General Forest Pathology0 Topics · 0 PostsNo topics yet!
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Pathologists Helping PathologistsFor pathologists to discuss unidentified symptoms with the forest pathology community.0 Topics · 0 PostsNo topics yet!
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What's Wrong with my Tree?For non-pathologists to ask for help diagnosing tree problems.  Include images and let us know the general location.1 Topic · 2 PostsLast post: Oak Blight · 3 years ago · Jim Worrall
Jobs and Graduate Training OpportunitiesYou can post positions by replying to the appropriate topic.3 Topics · 51 PostsLast post: Research/Faculty Positions · 2 months ago · Humpty Dumpty
Newest Member: Pratima Devkota · Currently Online: 1 Guest